We are sharing “Building Brains in the First 36 Months of Life” below in English and Spanish, and hope these will help infants build attachments with those caring for them; offering ways to learn about your infant or toddler’s development during everyday routines.
The full version of these standards is available here in both English and Spanish.
These Parent and Caregiver Engagement Cards are based on New Jersey’s Birth to Three Early Learning Standards. They were developed by CITE in collaboration with the New Jersey Council for Young Children, the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health, MSU Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, and the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network. They provide strategies for parents to use every day with their infants and toddlers to help support their healthy development in all the ways they learn: social and emotional, language, cognitive and physical health and well-being. These cards are also designed to help you discover your child’s own approaches to learning and appreciate each of their temperament traits as strengths.
Estas tarjetas se basan en las Normas de Aprendizaje Temprano de Nacimiento a Tres Años de Nueva Jersey para el uso de los padres. Fueron desarrollados por CITE en colaboración con New Jersey Council for Young Children, New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health, MSU Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, y SPAN Parent Advocacy Network. Proporcionan estrategias para que los padres las usen todos los días con sus bebés y niños pequeños para ayudar a apoyar su desarrollo saludable de todas las maneras en que aprenden: social y emocional, lenguaje, salud cognitiva y física y bienestar. Estas tarjetas también están diseñadas para ayudarle a descubrir los propios enfoques de su hijo para aprender y apreciar cada uno de sus rasgos de temperamento como fortalezas. www.nj.gov/education/ece/guide/standards/birth/standards.pdf