The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)

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Code of Ethics - NJCITE

New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential Code of Ethics Agreement

I agree to the following code of ethics as established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and adopted by the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators:

NAEYC recognizes that those who work with young children face many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications. The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers guidelines for responsible behavior and sets forth a common basis for resolving the principal ethical dilemmas encountered in early childhood care and education. The Statement of Commitment is not part of the Code but is a personal acknowledgement of an individual’s willingness to embrace the distinctive values and moral obligations of the field of early childhood care and education.  

The primary focus of the Code is on daily practice with children and their families in programs for children from birth through 8 years of age, such as infant/toddler programs, preschool and pre-kindergarten programs, child care centers, hospital and child life settings, family child care homes, kindergartens, and primary classrooms.  When the issues involve young children, then these provisions also apply to specialists who do not work directly with children, including program administrators, parent educators, early childhood adult educators, and officials with responsibility for program monitoring and licensing. (Note: See also the “Code of Ethical Conduct: Supplement for Early Childhood Adult Educators,” online at

Core values

Standards of ethical behavior in early childhood care and education are based on commitment to the following core values that are deeply rooted in the history of the field of early childhood care and education. We have made a commitment to:

Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle

Base our work on knowledge of how children develop and learn

Appreciate and support the bond between the child and family

Recognize that children are best understood and supported in the context of family, culture*, community, and society

Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague)

Respect diversity in children, families, and colleagues

Recognize that children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect

* The term culture includes ethnicity, racial identity, economic level, family structure, language, and religious and political beliefs, which profoundly influence each child’s development and relationship to the world.

Copyright © 2005 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, adopted by the National Association for Family Child Care, 2006

NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Code of Ethics Agreement
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