New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential Renewal Questions regarding this Renewal Application and the procedure for renewing the New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential can be emailed to CITE at Interested applicants should submit this renewal form, the $50.00 administration fee, and all required documentation to be considered. The NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Renewal Fee covers the processing and administration of the Credential renewal. We recommend reviewing the Credential Application Checklist and submitting the Code of Ethics before completing the application. The NJ Infant/Toddler Credential renewal is valid for four years. Personal Contact Information Name * Name First First Last Last Home Address, City, State, Zip * Phone * Email * Current Employment (working with children under the age of 3) * Current Employment (working with children under the age of 3) Position/Title Position/Title Employer Employer Employers Address, City, State, Zip * Business Phone Business Email Employment Dates From: * To: * Required Documentation. (Please select the appropriate option and email documentation to: * Letter from Director Copy of Family Child Care Registration Certificate and/or letter from parent or family child care network/child care resource & referral agency Requirements to renew the NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Please confirm the following and email documentation to * Proof of current membership in the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE). Proof of current membership in the NJ Workforce Registry. Documentation of 12 hours of infant/toddler specific professional development completed since earning the NJ Infant/Toddler Credential. Reflective Essay Reflective essay (200-1000 words) and statement of commitment reflecting original goals and commitment to the profession and future personal goals: * 0 of 1000 max words All candidates for the NJ Infant/Toddler Credential must follow a code of ethics such as the code of ethics established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. By checking the box below, I confirm I have read, signed, and submitted the Code of Ethics Agreement located in the Credentials menu on this website. * I have submitted the Code of Ethics Agreement on this website. I am unable to submit the Code of Ethics Agreement and require assistance. Renewal Fees The NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Renewal Fee covers the processing and administration of the Credential renewal. The NJ Infant/Toddler Credential renewal is valid for four years. My signature below indicates that I have fully completed and understand this application. I acknowledge all the documentation required and understand that the NJ Infant/Toddler Credential cannot be awarded if I do not successfully complete all the components identified above. I understand that an incomplete application will be rejected and will not be processed. Signature (Please type your name) * Signature (Please type your name) First First Last Last Date Date NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Renewal 50.00 Total Don’t forget to sign and submit the Code of Ethics Agreement. CITE NJ Infant/Toddler Credential Contact Information: OR Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators Attn: NJ Infant/Toddler Credential P.O. Box 1015 Barnegat Light, NJ 08006 Clicking the submit button completes the application and you will be directed to PayPal for the payment process. Please indicate your method of payment Credit/Debit Card Other Funding Source If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ