The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)

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June Handler Award - NJCITE

About This Award

The June Handler Award was established in 2012 to honor Dr. June Moss Handler, one of the co-founders of CITE. This award is presented to a recipient of the New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential who has shown emerging leadership qualities, a commitment to continued professional development, and a dedication to the development and promotion of best practices in early care and education since attaining the Credential. 

The award shall be a: Certificate of Recognition, a monetary grant (provided fiscal year financial solvency, paid attendance to the conference for the recipient (and center Director, if center based), and CITE membership for the upcoming year.

Effective 2023, the award shall be presented every 2 years at the CITE Annual Conference. The monetary grant awarded shall be $1000 with $500 for the recipient’s personal use and $500 to the child care center they are employed at or, if a family child care provider, for use in the family child care program. Nominations are open and accepted ongoing. Questions can be emailed to the June Handler Award Committee

Acerca de Este Premio

El premio June Handler se estableció en 2012 para honrar a la Dra. June Moss Handler, una de las cofundadoras de CITE. Este premio se otorga a un destinatario de la Credencial para bebés/niños pequeños de Nueva Jersey que ha demostrado cualidades de liderazgo emergentes, un compromiso con el desarrollo profesional continuo y una dedicación al desarrollo y la promoción de las mejores prácticas en el cuidado y la educación de la primera infancia desde que obtuvo la Credencial.

El premio será un: Certificado de Reconocimiento, una subvención monetaria (siempre y cuando la solvencia financiera del año fiscal, la asistencia pagada a la conferencia para el destinatario (y el Director del centro, si se basa en el centro) y la membresía de CITE para el próximo año.

A partir de 2023, el premio se entregará cada 2 años en la Conferencia Anual de CITE. La subvención monetaria otorgada será de $1000 con $500 para el uso personal del beneficiario y $500 para el centro de cuidado infantil en el que están empleados o, si es un proveedor de cuidado infantil familiar, para uso en el programa de cuidado infantil familiar. Las nominaciones están abiertas y se aceptan en curso. Las preguntas pueden enviarse por correo electrónico al Comité del Premio June Handler

Award Recipients

2024 – Ignacia Ferrales, North Hudson Community Action Corporation Head Start/Early Head Start Program
2023 – No Award Given
2022 – May 14 – Gloria Duque, North Hudson Community Action Corporation Head Start/Early Head Start Program
2021, May 1 and 22 – Ruth Segura, CB, North Hudson Community Action Corporation Brave Conversations Virtual Conference
2020, October 2 – Ivet Perez, CB, St. Joseph’s Hospital Child Development Center, Paterson, NJ 35th Annual Conference delivered virtually on Kaplan Early Learning Company sponsored ZOOM, Ivet Perez, CB, St. Joseph’s Hospital Child Development Center, Paterson, NJ
2019, April 4 – Shahena Begum, CB, Greater Bergen Community Action, EHS Michael’s Energy Factory, Paterson, NJ, delivered at NCC, East Windsor, NJ 
2018, March 23 – Nancy Jimenez, FCC, The Children’s Garden, Newark, NJ, delivered at NCC, East Windsor
2017, April 7-8 – Adela Cazorla (Center for Family Resources) Harrah’s CC. delivered at Atlantic City, NJ
2016, March 18 – Roselle Coye, FCCP
2015, March 27 – Rose Bannon, Our Gang at Teaneck Hospital, Bergen County
2014, April 4-5 – Elba Velez, CB (Kings Daughters)   
2013 – Deb DePinho, FCCP

Nomination Form | Formulario de Nominación

June Handler Nomination Form
Name of the person submitting this form. | Nombre de la persona que envía este formulario.
Name of the person submitting this form. | Nombre de la persona que envía este formulario.
Workplace Address | Dirección del lugar de trabajo
Workplace Address | Dirección del lugar de trabajo
Name of the nominee for the June Handler Award. | Nombre del nominado al premio June Handler.
Name of the nominee for the June Handler Award. | Nombre del nominado al premio June Handler.