The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)

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Northwest Chapter - NJCITE


President: Carmela McCleary, MS.Ed., IMH-E®

Counties: Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex and Warren 

Contact Carmela

CITE Northwest Chapter

About Our Chapter

A former Head Start Educator, Infant Toddler Specialist, and more recently a Lead Infant and Early Childhood Consultation Specialist, Carmela revived the Northwest Chapter in 2018 bringing her awareness of infant mental health practices to the top of her every agenda. Carmela brings with her a deep understanding of the needs of the child care workforce in this region, where she has been working alongside childcare providers since 2008.

For more than a decade, she has helped educators make great first impressions with infants and toddlers through professional preparedness using the Program for Infant/Toddler Care, (PITC), her direct training with, and anchor access to, the tools of ERSI leader, Thelma Harms, Phd. Mel is completing her Intensive Fellowship at Montclair State University, with the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health (CAECMH).

“I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher – but what I didn’t realize was just how much of a learner, too I will forever be. The inquisitive and awesome Head Start preschoolers in my novice years started me on this journey; broadening my lens from focus on the children’s individual likes, preferences, skills, temperament, etc. to including their families’ cultures, values, and beliefs. Later, as a mom and as a coach for Infant Toddler caregivers, my lens further widened to include the families’ communities. I aspire to continue to share my ever-widening lens with others who pursue teaching/learning for the benefit of our future children so that we can all see with clarity the value we learn FROM children.”

(Coming soon) Click below to register for the next NW Chapter Meeting: Second Friday of the Month 2:30 -3:30 PM