As professionals working with very young children, you know first-hand that mental health is not something that pertains only to adults or older children. ZERO TO THREE’s 2015 Huffington Post blog focused on how parents, caregivers, and professionals can promote a baby’s mental health. The blog post is the first in a three-part series exploring the mental health needs of very young children. Stay tuned for future posts on strategies to prevent mental health problems in young children, and effective treatment for those with diagnosed mental health disorders.
- Start a conversation about infant and early childhood mental health. Encourage your colleagues to read Babies’ Mental Health Matters. Be sure to share your perspective as an infant-toddler professional. How do you promote mental health with young children as part of your work? To provide more information about infant and early childhood mental health, share this link: .
- Share Babies’ Mental Health Matters on social media. Use the sample posts below to spread the word! Twitter: #DidYouKnow that babies have mental health? Learn more from @ZEROTOTHREE’s latest @HuffPostParents blog: Facebook: Babies’ Mental Health Matters! Learn more from ZERO TO THREE’s recent Huffington Post blog – the first in a three-part series exploring the mental health needs of very young children.