Article from Young Children, September 2012 Issue
by Karen N. Nemeth and Valeria Erdosi
We are pleased to provide access to an article in NAEYC’s Young Children, which was co-authored by a founding member of CITE, Valeria Erdosi-Mehaffey, and one of CITE’s good friends, Karen Nemeth. “Enhancing Practice with Infants and Toddlers from Diverse Language and Cultural Backgrounds” was featured in the September 2012 issue. Copyright © 2012 NAEYC®. Reprinted with permission.
Karen N. Nemeth, EdM, is an author and the founder of Language Castle, LLC, offering consulting and professional development on supporting dual language learners in early childhood education. She is the author of Basics of Supporting Dual Language Learners: An Introduction for Educators of Children from Birth through Age 8, published by NAEYC. Karen@LanguageCastle.com.
Valeria Erdosi, MS, is the executive director of The King’s Daughters Day School, in Plainfield, New Jersey. She is a founding member of the New Jersey Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators and a well-known professional development provider.